Ashtanga Yoga Origin and principles

*Originated – India

*Founder – The lineage of Ashtanga yoga is found in the yoga sutra laid down by Sage Patanjali around 400BC

*Authentic Ashatanga yoga Sutras –196 sanskrit lines or sutras. These are transferred through generations by oral recitations.

*Meaning of word Ashtanga – In Sanskrit “Ashta” means Eight and “Anga” is related body limbs so Eight Limb path.

Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga – (English translation of sanskrit words)

1.Yama (Principles)
* Ahimsa – non-violence
* Satya – Truthfulness
* Asteya – non stealing
* Brahmacharya – Continence / celibacy
* Aparigah – non possessiveness

2.Niyama (Personal Disciplines)
* Shoucha – Purity in mind and body
* Santosh – Contentment
* Tapa – Endurance at the highest level
* Swadhyaya- Self study
* Eshwar Pranidhan- Dedication towards the supreme energy

3.Asana – (Yoga Postures ) Sage Patanjali tells you how to perform the asanas.

4.Pranayama – (Yoga Breathing) Different ways to breath.

5.Pratyahara – (Withdrawal of Senses) A beautiful state of mind before the start of meditation. Can be only experienced

6.Dharana – (Concentration on Object) Concentration of mind on one object.

7.Dhyan – (Meditation) Going on a deeper level of self awareness.

8.Samadhi – (Salvation) State of Super bliss, joy and merging individual consciousness in to cosmic.