Traditional Yoga Teacher Training France


Would you like to be recognised as authentic yoga teacher by learning traditional yoga?

Would you like to bring a happy change in your life?

Then join our popular Yoga Teacher training program in France to explore the change within you!

Yoga Teacher Training France

Next Yoga Teacher training batch for France based students starts

November 2023

Days – Friday 10am to 1pm

Admission closes early if seats are full

Strictly limited seats

In Nutshell what you will learn?

This Level 1 200 hours Yoga teacher training program is a proven for decades to bring life changing experience in our current time and is based on 5000 year old Sage Patanjali‘s Ashtanga yoga and Hatha yoga based on Hatha yoga Pradipika dated 1200Ad. You will learn this Ancient traditional of Ashtanga, and Hatha Yoga practice as followed in India for many centuries thus giving you the right yoga foundation that will transform your wellbeing, health, and lifestyle to new levels. The course gives you a practical training in Yoga Philosophy¸ Asanas¸ Pranayama¸ Meditation¸ Yoga Teaching method¸ mind science¸ Physiology¸ Anatomy and in-depth self and professional development.

Besides learn this ancient science we will also assist you in implementing this proven science in your modern-day life to see the transformation within you.

* Results are based on your honest hard work, trust, and passion. There is no quick way.

Details about

Level 1 (200 Hrs )
Yoga Teacher Training Course

Frequently Asked questions

What you will learn from us in this Yoga training program?

How to teach Yoga the right way

Ashtanga & Hatha yoga practice and training is recognised on international level as authentic & ethical Yoga practice. The Training helps the students to get their yoga foundation on right track and you will be able to teach any age group including special needs, senior citizens and even kids. Since you learn and teach unique sequencing of dynamic asana (poses) , pranayama (breathing) and meditation in this training it helps to give your students a true classes a mind blowing ultimate holistic yoga experience.

Bring Self transformation in your mind and body to help overcome your problems

You will see amazing self development and transformation in your lifestyle and health. This training program will help you to explore your underestimated potentials and lead you to beautiful lifestyle transformation which will make you confident, fearless and help achieve goals in life.

* You will explore the many hidden treasures of traditional Ashtanga and Hatha Yoga which is the fundamental foundation of any yoga study and it will lead you the immense happiness as you go through the journey in this training.

* Your strengths will improve dramatically and we will also give you solutions for you at the same time will guide you to use your own consciousness connection to handle your day to day hectic routine (without leaving your job)

We will harness this traditional Yoga Training within you to assist below issues

► Managing Career, wealth, Relationship and wellbeing in most efficient way

►Gaining motivation & confidence

► Assisting in overcoming Anxiety, depression, OCD, wrong habits

► Ability to speak in crowd

► Overcoming Self-Doubt like I am not good enough

► help you control Weight, improve Flexibility & body Strength and mind calmness

And muchmore.

Accreditation & Insurance

On Successful completion of this training program, you will be eligible to start your own private yoga classes in France or work as a qualified accredited traditional Ashtanga and Hatha yoga teacher from Yoga School of India in France and worldwide. All our successful applicants in France and Europe are instantly eligible for Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance only after completion of their Training period.


If you really want to learn the yoga tradition in right way and more importantly like to apply its teachings in your personal life to experience the changes on your mind awareness, productivity and body strength then you are welcome to apply.

Please note: Keeping the tradition of our yoga school, we recommend students to first attend our public classes directly conducted by our principal yoga teacher Shri Samir Rane who is also going to conduct the yoga teacher training for you. Once you start your journey your heart will tell you if we are the right school for you to continue your yoga education. PS – Yoga is all about your personal EXPERIENCE.

We personally train and mentor students from basic level of yoga irrespective of your yoga experience and age. You should be ready to put your hard work and learn with passion to gain the benefits.

This program is not suitable for those who loves to do the training in their own sweet time or love watching preloaded Online videos. Sorry.

Your admission will be subject to approval based on your interview with our Principal Yoga Teacher Shri Samir Rane.

Please note, students joining Yoga school of India should not come with the expectation of just obtaining authorised or certified status. The main aim is to learn, apply and experience Yoga journey to achieve your goals. Before joining our teacher training course, please make sure you can allocate dedicated time during the course period to gain and implement the learnt knowledge. We do not take passengers

Principal Teachers of Yoga School of India (CLICK ON – REVIEWS )

Shri Samir Rane is a Senior most highly Experienced teacher based in Australia and the founder and Principal Yoga Teacher of Yoga & Meditation school of India (Australia), Yoga School of India (France, UK & Europe)

He comes from a lineage based yogic family in India where yoga is being followed as family tradition and he is the 3rd generation to carry on the lineage with years of experience in teaching students in different countries including Australia, United Kingdom, Europe, New Zealand, and India. His association with yoga has been for more than 30 years now and under his guidance till date countless students have attended his public classes and Yoga Teacher Training program and had a life-changing experience. Please Watch this VIDEO

Smt Shilpa Rane is Director of Education for all our traditional schools. She carries years of in-depth knowledge of both modern Scientific Human Anatomy and holistic side of Yoga Anatomy & Philosophy. Coming from a yogic family she is also trained from her childhood by renowned Yoga Masters Gurukul in India with specialisation in Sanskrit Mantras & holistic knowledge. Shilpa is also a qualified Ayurveda consultant with specialisation in Nutrition and health.

Ashtanga & Hatha Yoga Training program details

This century year old Ancient warming up process in Yoga is a must for every yoga student. You will be guided the correct way how to perform and we will show you the evidence of the results to uncover it true value. It will melt your body muscles, trim you down and will keep you fit for years to come. You will learn in a very traditional authentic way as practiced in India which includes Mantras, breath, and movement. The medical benefits are amazing. Students will learn 2 levels

Asanas (Yoga Poses)

Learn the key body alignments and secrets on how to first pronounce Yoga asana in Sanskrit properly and then perform them effortlessly right from your basic level to advance level. You will be taught various ancient Yoga Asanas which includes beginners’ level, intermediate and some advance levels.

All these yoga asanas are doable by a layperson and are followed for generations after getting guidance from the yoga masters.

Students should note we don’t do any circus to impress your mind but instead train you properly to build your strength and remove your weakness based on traditional asanas.

Asanas Main Categories

(You will learn more than 46 Asanas (poses) in this training)

(Padama) (Sitting asanas)

(Pada Uttanasana) (Forward bends)

(Tad asanas & Tol asanas (Standing & Balancing)

(Purvo) Backward bends

Viparit Karni (Inversions Asanas)

Potasanas (Abdominal position Asanas)

(Parivritta) (Twists Asanas)

Yoga Students in the training will be trained systematically on how to apply on your different body correctly.

►Elderly, Adults, Teens and Kids

► Various injury prone People

Human Anatomy & Application of Traditional Yoga

This involves Modern Science lectures related to…

Learning General Human anatomy and related Yoga benefits

  • Nervous System

  • Endocrine System

  • Lymphatic System

  • Respiratory System

  • Cardiovascular System

  • Digestive System
  • Musculoskeletal system

►Biomechanics of asana positions

►Proper Body alignment

Ancient Yoga Anatomy

Chakras the key epic centres of your mind and body.

Nadis – important channels which carries your prana and its relevances.

Bandhas- Hidden secret of yoga. You will be taught how to keep your passive internal muscles and glands active to remain young.

Learn Self Corrections art in yoga

Our brain most of the time flows in thoughts. In this yoga training you will be taught the art of self-correction, alignments, injury recovery and precautions.

Pranayama (Breathing secrets) – Mudras positions

Learn about the energy which keeps you alive. It is called Prana. This energy keeps your physical, mental, and spiritual life in good shape. We will explore different pranayama like Ujjayi (victory breath), Anuloum Viloum (alternating nostril), kapalabhati (breath of fire), Sitali (cooling breath), and many more.

If you learn and master this techniques under the proper guidance of a Yoga master your focus and energy levels will increase dramatically.

How to learn oldest Meditation technique in simple correct way?

(Dharna & Dhyana process)

Everyone knows the word meditation but very few can practice it properly. In our Yoga training you will experience the beautiful phase of meditation with evidence which is mind blowing (a magical moment of your life) You would not like to stay in that phase for ages. We will make you experience irrespective of your experiences. These are ancient traditional authentic techniques passed on to us from our masters.

You will be trained in variety of ancient meditation techniques like Om meditation, Chakra meditation and much more.

More important you will learn what is Meditation and what is Maya (Illusion trap)

This training also includes

►How to prepare your mind for meditation process in traditional way ?

►How to implement the technique correctly ?

►How to practice meditation or teach others.

Shatkarmas (Internal body Cleansing process)

These unique techniques are dating back to 1200 AD from traditional Hatha yoga . This yoga training will give deep insights and practice to make you internally stronger.

Kundalini Energy

After doing all the hard work in yoga practice, learn how to channelise that energy for the ultimate enlightment. They say it’s the nectar of yoga. All our Teacher trainees who have worked properly according to our instructions gets that amazing experience in every batch .

Ashtanga Yoga Practice

Origin and principles Yama, Nimaya, Asanas, pranayama, Prathahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi

Hatha yoga Practice

Origin and Philosophy, Yamas, Niyama, Asanas, Mudras, Bandhas, Shatkarmas

Karma yoga for life

Learn how Karma Yoga works in Yoga based on Vedas. Try to implement in your day-to-day life and you will see the results yourself how your life cycle changes. Learn about self-enquiry, who you are and what is your purpose in life?

Learn Sanskrit Terminology

Understanding and decoding the Sanskrit language on how to pronounce asana or pranayama and why? A proper practice of pronunciation creates right vibrations that will calm your mind. But you need a right Teacher to bring that right word from your mouth.

Learn how to chant Yoga Mantra properly

Learning the meaning, pronunciation and recitation practice is very important for a yoga student. In this yoga training you will learn the art of using mantra in your personal life and during yoga classes if you are teaching. We will teach you the Scientific effect and benefits of mantras. You will be surprised how quickly your stress level goes down if do the chanting the correct authentic way.

Bhagavata Gita and references of Yoga

You will learn in this training how yoga was first introduced in oral commentary. You will come to know what ancient Vedas, Upanishads, Gunah, koshas means and how everything is integrated in yoga.


As a yoga teacher trainee in our training batch, you will be trained and mentored on various important aspects of Asanas, Pranayama & Meditation training considering the tradition and precautions.

→How to prepare before conducting traditional yoga class both face to face and Live Zoom Online teaching.

→How you should conduct and instruct a small class of 20 people and big class about 50 plus people at a time, managing time.

→Conducting classes without losing the focus of traditional system.

→How to keep proper body alignment and avoid injuries?

→How to teach in Yoga Studios, Gyms and professional clubs.

Yoga for Prenatal and Postnatal ( pregnancy period)

A very important period for a lady. As a trainee you will learn how to use traditional yoga methods during these periods.

Special needs Yoga

Special need Yoga can assist heart attack, severe high blood pressure and other challenging cases. You will be given proper insight on how to assist such cases.

Yoga for school kids and Teenagers

This training also teaches you how to handle different age group in kids and how to bring results.

All students who are interested in teaching yoga will be mentored on how to conduct Private Yoga classes FACE TO FACE and Live Virtual ONLINE Classes

PS- Below photo belongs to our students in Australia.

Online Yoga Teacher Training


Every student who is interested in teaching will get opportunity to conduct mock up teaching session within their training group. You will be given feedback on your teaching skills.

Yoga teacher’s vision and role in community

If you start teaching our Principal Yoga Teacher Shri Samir Rane will guide you personally on what vision, role and responsibility you should have so people start looking forward to learn from you.

How to start your own Yoga classes in France and worldwide ?

This is optional for those who are interested. We will share our experiences and success stories of past batch students who are currently running their own successful Yoga studios.

How to Apply for a Yoga teaching Jobs? Our Special Mentoring Assistance for you!

There is high demand for good Yoga Teachers everywhere today . This will not only give you happiness but also support your lifestyle. In this program we will guide you with all the tips and procedures on how to apply professionally for a yoga job in the industry and become successful. Please note to get the mentoring from us you need show your passion, ethics and hardwork in training and qualify our requirements in order to get this Special Mentoring program from the Director of this Yoga school.

Discussion on Yoga Modern Styles & Myths. Know the reality!

This is an interesting topic to learn but at the same time confusing. We will guide you on why different STYLES names are given for yoga once yoga comes out of India and what is the motive behind it. We will make you walk through the path of Ashtanga yoga and Hatha yoga to know the authentic teachings

We will also discuss and explain you what is Iyengar yoga, Krama Vinyasa, Vinyasa yoga, Kriya yoga etc and all Sanskrit terms used by few pundits. And also Contemporary names like Yin, Power yoga, Hot yoga etc.

Practical & Theory Exam

Practical and Theory (Open book written exams) during this training course. There will be assessments for your to help clarify your yoga concepts and for us to understand your level of understanding. This is necessary to make you successful.

Attendance to all lectures and practicals is min 90%

For more information

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